Mental Health Awareness Week with KEEN and Papyrus

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Mental Health Awareness Week is upon us, and once again we are setting out on a mission to raise awareness through a variety of videos and collaborations. With mental health being a priority all year round – not just one week – this week is meant for shedding light on coping mechanisms and support networks that can help those in need.

This year, the theme is more significant than ever, as it sets out to break the stigma surrounding loneliness. While the world reopening again is a huge relief for many, for some it can take some time to adapt. Get involved with MHAW 2022 to help spread the word and give loneliness the attention that it needs. In collaboration with KEEN and Papyrus, we’ll be working towards achieving this.

Papyrus is a Warrington-based charity that focuses on preventing young suicide, offering help and advice, fundraising, education and training plus loads more support networks. During MHAW, all the proceeds from KEEN sales will be donated to Papyrus, while there will be a £5000 donation from size? and KEEN.

Also with KEEN, we’ll be exploring the themes of mental health, embracing the outdoors and loneliness. An outdoor label at heart, we thought it would be a perfect idea to venture into the open air with a range of people to find out how they all deal with loneliness. We caught up with staff from Keen, size? and Papyrus, plus a couple more people that align with promoting the outdoors – keep your eyes peeled for this content.

Check out our blog and socials for more MHAW content.

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