We’re catching up with a few real-life Air Max fans in the lead up to Air Max Day 2021

When you think of a typical footwear collector, we’re sure you all have your own idea of what a typical ‘sneakerhead’ looks like. But stereotypes can often lead to a misconception of demographic groups. Through our latest series, we’re giving greater exposure to those everyday footwear addicts you probably won’t have heard of to help tackle those common stereotypes.

So, our latest aim is to make the invisible, visible by highlighting a new generation of Nike protagonists from all walks of life and not just your typical creative or influencer. Championing inclusivity, we’re shining a light on those everyday Swoosh addicts you’ve probably never heard of, irrespective of culture, age, gender, social demographic, race and profession.

In the lead up to Air Max Day 2021 and beyond, we’ll be telling the stories of those everyday Nike lovers and taking a look at sneaker culture through a unique lens.

We’ll be sharing our first story tomorrow so make sure you head back over to the size? blog to check it out, it’s a gooden.