The Master Roshe Speaks: presented by Team Roshe

Nearly 2 years ago, Nike presented us with a brand new design – one so innovative in its simplicity, it grabbed our attention instantaneously, along with what seemed like the rest of Nike‘s worldwide following. Slowly but surely, the Roshe Run collection has grown from the initial “OG7” to over a hundred different models. To get the full story on how such a minimalistic shoe TeamROSHE’s own silvastar08 got some thoughts from the man that started it all, Dylan Raasch.
Check out a couple of our favourite questions below and the full Q&A on Team ROSHE’s main site HERE…
How many pairs of Roshe Runs do you have in your personal collection?
I have over 40 pairs, but I’m running out of room to store them so I’ve had to get really picky with which ones I keep. Ironically I only wear the OG Black/Sail and OG Iguana color way unless it’s a special occasion.
Are there any features to the original Roshe Run that you had originally hoped for that could not be implemented from a design, production, or cost issue?
No, but there were different iterations. Initially the upper was stitched to the tooling and the insole and outsole were a one-piece design. It was an attempt to keep the design as simple as possible, but after testing we found the current design was a better direction for proportions, comfort, and manufacturing. I guess to answer the question it ended up exactly as it should have.
If you could put the Roshe Run in one high profile situation (on an athlete, celebrity, in a movie, etc.) who/what would it be?
To be honest, there really isn’t a high profile person or movie I have want to see them connected with. What puts a smile on my face is when I see Zen monks wearing Roshes, which I have seen twice. I’m not sure if they were actual Roshis or not, but considering they have no interest in trends tells me the simplicity of the shoe speaks to them, which I think is pretty cool from a design perspective.