Trainer production & why the iPhone is killing the industry

Ever wondered why the price of your Max 1’s, Authentic’s or Forest Hills seems to have gone through the roof over the last couple of years? Is it down to the worldwide economic meltdown, global warming, or just the brands trying to squeeze that little bit more out of you to boost the bar bill at their Christmas parties?
Good question……
So exactly how much does it cost to produce a pair of trainers? £1.50, 3 quid, a tenner…?! Surely it can’t be much because they’re all made in China these days, right? No matter which way you look at it, it’s an interesting debate and one that not a lot of us actually know the answer to, so to help put our minds at rest our good friends over at Sneaker Freaker decided to delve a little deeper into the subject in an interesting feature entitled ‘Why the iPhone is killing the sneaker industry’.
To read the article in full and find out exactly what your iPhone has got to do with the potential demise of an idustry that we all love, hit the link.