size? & adidas Originals present: Leeds Vs Hamburg

Leeds vs Hamburg.
Come and celebrate these two great cities with an exclusive event* to celebrate the opening of our new adidas Originals space in size? Leeds next Thursday (7th August 7pm – 9pm).
To coincide with the opening of the store, we are giving you the chance to buy one of 100 pairs of an early released, size? exclusive adidas Originals Hamburg shoe. These will be allocated on a first come, first served basis due to the exclusivity of the shoe.
Running parallel to the Hamburg, we will also be previewing some of the size? exclusive releases from the upcoming adidas Originals autumn/winter ’14 Archive and Select Collection. There will also be a chance to access limited pairs of deadstock footwear from the size? archives.
On the evening we will be offering the chance to win an original adidas Originals mosaic by Mark Kennedy, the man behind adidas’ iconic mosaics for the Stan Smith Campaign. Head over here to see our interview with Mark too.
All set to the soundtrack provided by DJ’s Gin & Juice with Yorkshire pies and Hamburg beer being served throughout the night; providing the perfect accompaniment.
For more details regarding the space itself and the ideology behind it, check back on our blog over the coming few days.
size? Leeds Basement, 49 – 51 Vicar Lane, Leeds, LS1 6DS
* Limited spaces available – Allocated on a first come, first served basis
** 18’s and over event only