size? captures: Creators Series – How to upcycle your clothing with Rachel Pausey

We could all do with doing a little more for the environment, and on this edition of our Creators Series, Rachel Pausey shows us how you can recycle your old clothing into an all-new outfit.
Keep on scrolling to check out the step-by-step guide!

Draw around items that are a similar shape to what you want to make. This will form your pattern, remember to add a 1.5cm allowance around the pattern for the seam.

Cut out your pattern pieces, and label them in accordance to what they are, this will keep it organised.

Set out your pieces on the fabric you want to use and pin them in place on the fabric.
Make sure you cut out two of each so you have a front and back.

Cut out the pieces and lay them out to ensure they all fit together correctly.

Pin corresponding pieces together to get them ready for sewing.
Usually, Rachel pins the right sides together, but check your pattern to make sure that works for you.

Begin sewing!
Use a thread colour similar to the garment you are making.

Finally, hem the trousers (about 4cm) and you’re done!

Keep checking on the size? blog for more size? captures: Creators Series instalments and head over to the Creators Series Hub for previous editions.