size? Experts – Marseille

At the start of the summer, we unveiled size? Experts. Our all-new platform – exclusive to Nike product – that allows you to seamlessly connect with one of our in-store Expert staff at the click of an icon. We’ve got over 50 size? Experts available in 14 size? stores across the UK and France, who can provide the finer details on products – such as stock availability, sizing guidance and styling advice whilst you shop online. Our Experts will not only be able to talk through any product questions but they’ll also be able to share and live stream photos and videos, as well as booking you an in-store appointment to offer further guidance.
If you want to learn a bit more about our size? experts service, click here, where we talk you through the size? Experts journey.
For the fourth instalment in our size? Expert blog series, we met up with our size? Expert, Fabrice, over in Toulouse, who shed light on his adopted hometown, his passion for all things Nike and the benefits of using size? Experts.
Our final trip on the Experts journey takes us to Marseille, where we catch up with our size? Expert, Nicolas, who filled us in on life in his beloved hometown, what Nike means to him and the benefits of our new Experts service.

Introducing: Nicolas
1. What’s your name and where are you from?
My name is Nicolas and I’m from Marseille. I grew up and spent most of life in this city.
2. What does your city mean to you?
It’s a city I hold in my heart. Even if I try to leave it, I always come back.
3. How would you describe your personal style?
I like everything to be oversized and things associated with Japanese culture. I love Japan, and all the trends surrounding it. It’s a real passion and I’m going there in October.
4. What is special about your city?
Marseille is such a unique city, a big melting pot of cultures with poor and rich districts. A beautiful city with lovely places, the sea, the sun. It’s the most beautiful city in France!
5. Where do you like to hang out?
In the summertime, after work, we go to the beach to do the “apéro” (A French evening ritual that combining food, drinks and friends). During winter, we spend more time in bars in the city centre.
6. What are your biggest influences – music, fashion, sport?
Instagram means we can see everything, follow all the brands we know and discover new ones. It’s the biggest influence of our time.
7. Where do you look for inspiration?
I like Instagram and especially @yuthanan__’s account, it’s one of my favourites. But I also like developing my own style by finding uncommon products and trying to be innovative
8. What does 2019 have in store for you?
I think retro running will be the future trend. Retro models were already really futuristic, even more than some new ones coming out now.
About Nike:
1. What does Nike mean to you?
For me, Nike is about innovation. It’s the brand that creates the trends, it’s the most influential. There is no brand as emblematic as Nike, in both terms of history and it’s iconic products. For a long time, they are the ones making the most beautiful shoes.
2. Who wears Nike in your city?
From 7 to 77 years old. Everybody wears trainers in Marseilles, it’s part of the culture. It really is a Nike city. It’s one of the brands worn most here.
3. What Nike styles are worn in your city?
Marseilles is about streetwear. It has a lot of different districts, some quite ghetto where the streets are represented by the shoes you wear. All the emblematic models like Air Max 1, other Air Max models with visible tech, Air VaporMax. Last year, we sold a lot of Air Max 98, around 100 a week, but this year in terms of trends, it’s a bit more about the retro running.
4. Do to consider yourself an expert on Nike?
I don’t think I can say I’m an expert. There are some people who are like historians of the brand, they know it from A to Z. Nevertheless, I know the brand very well and am a collector of it. I started my collection with some Ody, Alphas, Icarus… iconic pairs. Now I’m a bit more about the retro running.
About the service:

1. How does the size? Experts service work?
We have a lot of experience in terms of service. We know the products very well compared to other shops. size? is definitely one of the better streetwear shops.
2. What are the benefits of the service?
It’s designed for someone at home who wants to know more about the products; the sizing and the materials. We can share our knowledge and provide information.
3. What is the most commonly asked question you hear in store?
Mostly regarding sizing, which size do you have? Does it come out big? Or small? Also regarding colours, which colours do you have? Any other models?
That’s a wrap for our size? Experts series! But be sure to keep your eyes on the size? blog to stay up to date with our latest releases and projects…