Graduate Fashion Week – Day 3 Recap

Finally finding our footing within the hustle and bustle of the Old Truman Brewery, we’ve used the day to seek out the footwear enthusiasts among the fashion students and talk shop about their designs and inspirations.
Starting the day, we talked to one of the big dogs at size? HQ, Dan Langhorn. As the Multichannel Lead for size?, he talked us through his professional journey and his own experience at Graduate Fashion Week as a student.
Attending the showcase for DeMontfort University, we were able to catch a few collections that some of us would love to see more of in the future. Mel Earl’s tactical vests and ripstop-constructed clothing looked at home with the Suicoke sandals and baggy aesthetic. Ross Bester dressed his models in patchwork upcycled denim with clear inspiration from Japanese brands like Neighbourhood and Junya Watanabe. There were even some custom Air Max 90s on the runway as a couple of the students used the classic model to style up their outfits.
On the social front, Becky spoke to our very own size?Camden employee Kamal, and his progression from high street fashion into skater clothes with brands like BBC, Thrasher, and Spitfire. While the kid from Enfield was looked down on for picking High Top Vans over Air Max’s, he has embraced his individual style and created his own brand to express himself.
Keep your eyes posted on the blog for further updates from Graduate Fashion Week and to read more about the talented people we have found here.