size? Previews March 2017 at the Nike Air Max Lounge.

Changing things up again for March, late last month we were fortunate enough to visit Nike’s bespoke media space at London Fashion week, the Air Max Lounge to take a closer look at some of the product due to release in the lead up to Air Max Day this year. The space played host to education sessions to explain the technology behind the new VaporMax system, and we were fortunate enough to have International Product Development Manager Rory Fraser on hand to give us an in-depth talk through the creative process behind the bubble.
Alongside this new innovation, we also took a look at the latest reissue of the original Air Max 1, with it’s refined shape as driven by consumer demand. Sitting alongside the VaporMax as the key release stories this year, the Air Max 1 Atmos & Master were also on hand for inspection, and neither disappointed in person.
Another great additional feature within the space was a bespoke installation that chronicled some of the most loved Air Max styles that have released throughout the past 30 years. Featuring your go-to favourites the Air Max 90 & 95 alongside some of the slightly more obscure styles such as the original Air 180 and 2006’s Air Max 360. Throughout the timeline you can slowly see the capacity of Air within each shoe slowly building towards the full VaporMax bubble, a demonstration of the brands progressive nature over time.