The size? Canvas

For the last fifteen years, size? have enjoyed being part of commissioning and seeing different art projects connected to culture, music and trainers. In numerous stores, we have work from Filfury, Jon Burgerman and Peter O’Toole to name but a few.
Following on from this, today we want to reveal our next canvas and launch a new opportunity…
We are about to start work on a special store and during the build we will have a hoarding up for approximately three months.
During this time, we would like to profile three pieces of work from up and coming or established artists each month.
It’s a blank canvas for you but all we ask is you for is to incorporate trainers and the size? question mark in some way.
The details of the opportunity are still being kept secret but millions of people would see it.
The final piece will be displayed at approximately 4 metres by 10 metres and after the showcase we will work alongside you and use one of the works in the store opening marketing campaign.
The medium can be anything from digital to photographic and mixed media.
The details
Theme: Footwear and the size? question mark
Submission Deadline: Tuesday 2nd September
Submission method: Email attachment to
No feedback will be given, but all entrants will be contacted.
Entries must be submitted with valid contact information.
Judgment is final.