Nike & size? Present: Authorities on Air

In celebration of Air Max Day, we have joined forces with Nike to present a five part series: Authorities on Air.
In the run up to the Air Max Day on Thursday 26th March, five authorities sat down to offer five very different perspectives on what Air Max is to them in these 2 minute videos.
The authorities consist of Perri Shakes-Drayton, Paul Ruffles, Mikill Pane, Cloth Surgeon and Dave White.
The series starts with Cloth Surgeon, followed by Paul Ruffles, the Managing Director for size? and Footpatrol, with both stores playing a pivotal part in telling the story of Air Max over its many chapters.
Musician Mikill Pane, whose affiliation with Air Max reflects in their music, along side Team GB track athlete Perri Shakes-Drayton give diverse and vastly contrasting stories on the influence Air Max has had on UK’s society.
Authorities on Air concludes on Air Max Day with artist and Nike collaborator Dave White, famous for his work with size? which included the Air Max 1, Air Max 90 and Air Stab.
The Authorities on Air Series will be exclusively available online via the size? blog.
Cloth Surgeon
Paul Ruffles
Perri Shakes-Drayton
Mikill Pane
Dave White