Mr.Lacy Relace Competition

Something as simple as a lace change can transform the whole look and feel of your footwear and style of outfit. The addition of a new lace can refresh and add a twist to your trainers, new or old, in just a few minutes. Whether you chose to enhance your shoes by taking an accent colour of the paneling, or running parallel with the clean white of a midsole, the choice is yours.
To mark the launch of a new size? exclusive range of Mr.Lacy Ropies, we have teamed up with Mr.Lacy to offer you the chance to win a £500 size? gift card. Simply show us how you’ve changed the look of your trainers with an alternative set of laces. You’ve got one month to perfect your shoe and lace combination & share your photo on Instagram with #sizemrlacycomp. Full terms and conditions of the competition below.
How to enter –
Photograph your trainers to show us how you’ve changed the look of them with Mr.Lacy laces.
Post your photo on Instagram using #sizemrlacycomp.
Follow @sizeofficial and @mrlacyofficial on Instagram.
Terms and Conditions –
* The competition will close at 5pm GMT on 14th December 2014.
* The entrant with the best photograph will win a £500 size? gift card.
* size? and Mr.Lacy will choose the winning entry.
* All photographs entered into the competition may be used by size? or Mr.Lacy for marketing purposes.
See how we altered the new ASICS Gel Lyte III and Reebok Workout WW with the new size? Exclusive Mr.Lacy Ropies lace below.
ASICS Gel Lyte III with Mr.Lacy Ropies in grey/white
Stock navy lace
Reebok Workout Plus WW with Mr.Lacy Ropies in black/red
Black laces
Stock green lace
How to enter –
Photograph your trainers to show us how you’ve changed the look of them with Mr.Lacy laces.
Post your photo on Instagram using #sizemrlacycomp.
Follow @sizeofficial and @mrlacyofficial on Instagram.
Terms and Conditions –
* The competition will close at 5pm GMT on 14th December 2014.
* The entrant with the best photograph will win a £500 size? gift card.
* size? and Mr.Lacy will choose the winning entry.
* All photographs entered into the competition may be used by size? or Mr.Lacy for marketing purposes.